Motivation Babe Podcast

Ep. 26 FIRE FRIDAY "What do you REALLY want & how to make it your REALITY"

Hillary Cortez Season 1 Episode 26

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Today I am dropping a FIRE FRIDAY EPISODE! These are freestyle episodes where I am sharing things I have learned through the week and topics that have been on my mind! Today we are having an honest conversation about our desires, the practice of embodiment and a new mindset technique I have been doing called Mind Movies! I hope this episode helps someone today who is ready to tap into their desires and make them reality!

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Speaker 1:

Hey y'all. Welcome to the Motivation Bay podcast. I am your host Hills the Motivation babe. And I am on a mission to empower you and thousands of women every single day. I think of the Motivation Babe podcast as your go-to resource for mindset talks that give you the confidence to become the best version of yourself. I am so honored you are here. Get ready to level up as we dive in. Hello, hello, and welcome back to another episode of the podcast, Finally,<laugh>. Hey guys, it's me, It's girl, it's hills. I am your motivation, babe. I am your hype queen. I am your empowerment busty, and I want to see you freaking win, sis. Oh my Lord. It has been three weeks, y'all, three weeks since our last episode drop. It has been way too long. I miss y'all so much. If you're tuning back in, guys, oh my gosh, seriously, I miss you. It's been so amazing though, to connect with everyone and the dms. I built some amazing relationships, so thanks for reaching out. Honestly, it's those messages that give me the fuel y'all fuel my fire to keep going to show up because connecting with you is my goal. My mission is to serve at least one person every single day through this podcast. And I just love getting those messages saying, Hey Hills, I am that one person. So thank you. I'm honored to be a part of your journey. And hey guys, if you're new here, this podcast is honestly, we're having a conversation. I am being real. I'm being raw. Um, you're a part of my journey and I like to have these open and candid conversations on Fridays, and they're called Fire Fridays. Fire Friday. Episodes are unscripted, they're raw, they're real. I'm talking about the things that are happening real time, the things that I'm seeing with my coaching clients, the things that I've seen float around in the world. Um, and I break it down and I talk to you and I bring it in a little personal right with what I'm going through because I pride myself in being authentic. Look, y'all, I started the episode by saying it has been three weeks since our last drop, and I wanna fill you in on what I've been up to, the practices I have been doing to listen to myself, heal myself, grow, evolve, because that's what we're all about here. You're listening to this podcast because you are looking for ways to heal, grow, learn, become the best version of who you are. These past three weeks, y'all, I have been diving into really asking myself, what do I want? And that's a question I love to ask y'all here. And I really wanna take a pause and I want you to ask yourself, what do I truly want? Not what people expect of me, not what I think I want, but if you could have and do and be anything, and it was all possible for you because it is possible for you, what would that look like? When I asked myself these questions, I have started to do my journal practice again, which I haven't been journaling y'all. And if you're not journaling, oh my Lord, it is the best form of therapy, um, along with actual therapy and all the support that you need to help you. When I am began my journaling, I began to learn about the practice of embodiment, okay? And I wanna share this with y'all because I think this is gonna be a huge game changer. If you have, and I know you are a goal oriented person listening to this podcast, or you're trying to be a goal oriented person. Maybe you learned about manifestation and law of traction. Okay? This is the next level that I've taken it to that I need to share with you. It is a practice of embodiment. So really asking myself what do I want? And then allowing myself to feel it, to really feel like it's done because this is the thing. Whatever you want, y'all, you're setting in motion your desires. Can we talk about that really quick side note? When did it become so wrong for us to state and truly want our desires? We've talked about this in previous episodes about playing small, but we, I don't know in what part of society or our childhood and our growth and our, you know, whatever, but like tapping into your desires, wanting it all. You are an amazing, phenomenal woman and you deserve to have it all. Okay? So just sidebar right there. Like, your desires are totally valid and your desires are not too big. Your desires are your desires for a reason. So embrace that and let that be a guiding star for you. Okay,<laugh>, back to the episode. So, um, when I tapped into my desires and I wasn't afraid to go there, okay? And I was fully vulnerable with myself, and I gave myself, and I honored myself in that moment, I began to learn embodiment. And that is the feeling as if it's already done. Because if you desire it, and if you claim it and you put it on paper and you, you, you just put it out in the universe in your prayer with God, whatever it may be, it's already set in motion. Here is the thing you'll hear is the message up. Today's podcast, your desires are already set in motion. What you want is already coming your way. You have to get out of your own way, and you have to constantly remind yourself, why do I want this? What does this feel like? And what is stopping me? What is stopping you? What is in the way of those desires coming to you? So this is what I've been doing every night before I go to bed. And I don't know if y'all heard about this, but I do. It's more than a visualization exercise. If y'all, oh my gosh, I should totally record a visualization podcast. Are, do y'all want that<laugh>, uh, a guided vi a visualization exercise? Because those are my favorites to do. Um, let me know if you want a visualization podcast, and it's gonna be like maybe five, seven minutes. Um, but message me. Visualization, Okay,<laugh>. So, um, that's what I've been practicing for the past 5, 6, 7, 8 years, right? Visualization, we all kinda understand visualization, but let's take it as level deeper. I'm gonna talk to you about mind movies. This is such a random podcast. I'm all over the place, but I know if I'm going through this and if these are the things I'm using to help me, it's gonna help you if you implement it. And this is a thing, y'all, this podcast, yes, it can give you the motivation and the hype you need during, during the day, but unless you implement and practice these things that I'm sharing with you, you're in the same place, okay? And that's the thing with motivation. Motivation, yes, it gives you the height, but you have to take the action. Again, motivation gives you the hype, but you have to take the action and the direction that you want to be going in. Makes sense? Okay? So I call these mind movies and you can Google it mind movies. There's so much on it. I can't believe I just started mind movies. I'm 30 years old, y'all, I would've done this sooner. Oh my gosh, A mind movie, Okay? It's about a two minute mind movie. Um, it is a visualization, but it's so detailed, okay? And think about it like, I don't know, did y'all have VHSs<laugh> when you like put a VHS or a D V D into the, the, the player and it plays that specific movie and it shoots it back out, right? You put it in and it comes out. So that's what a mind movie is. It's like me. Literally, I'm, I'm saying I wanna play this mind movie of my dreams, okay? Of my dream life, of my desires. And I put this, what is it? Figuratively, like into the beach as player to the DVD player. Wow, I feel like so old of<laugh> and I play this movie, I close my eyes and I almost fall into this meditation. This happens when I am going to bad y'all. So, you know, minutes before bed, I, I do this mind movie and it's the same movie every time, the same visualization, but it feels different. It feels real. It's not just me projecting what I want, it's me embodying who I am. And the crazy thing about mind movies, y all the crazy thing about before you go to bed, and I've shared this in episode season one before, you know, those last things that you, that you play in your head, those thoughts that you have, your subconscious brain goes to work on that while you're asleep. So when you wake up, it's like your brain has already done the legwork for you. So I wanna encourage you before you get to bed, you know, what are those conversations you're having? What is the feeling you're caring? And if it's stress, and if it's worry, pray, meditate, Let that ish go because that will affect the mood you wake up in. And maybe that's an eye opener for some of you. When you notice, oh my God, I'm always waking up stress, I'm waking up with anxiety, I'm waking up with fear and waking up with worry. Okay, what are those last few thoughts you have before going to bed? Um, and maybe adopting, you know, a little routine or a little ritual to help your mindset have some peace, right? Um, how happiness, optimism, and that's what a mind and movie can do for you. So maybe your mind movie is, let's say, um, you know what, why don't I share my mind movie<laugh>. I'm not just gonna bring up random example. Oh my gosh, this is crazy. Because you know what you put out into the world, it becomes, and this is the first time I'm gonna share my mind movie with y'all, but let's freaking do this. Okay? My mind moving, and this is in the last three weeks, I've really been asking myself what do I want? And I, I really want to position myself and, and build my public speaking career. And this podcast has played a huge part in that Connecting with y'all is literally I'm addicted. I am addicted to serve others, to serve you, to help you. And I really want to build my public speaking career in motivation and empowerment, um, and, and be on huge stages, on te x stages, be amongst the masses and serve men and women of, of all types with my message. So my mind movie is, I am wearing a white dress cause I feel very powerful and white, and I have some red bottoms on and I can hear a crowd, and I'm walking down this, this hallway and I hear my heels, you know, as I'm walking and I, I have a little kid with me, which y'all know, I don't have a kid. I, it's just, it's just me. Um, and rose, my, uh, my dog and I have like a little kid with me, like toddler, and I'm holding their hand and I, I kiss my child, um, and my spouse is there and I am just glowing. I, I have my red lip on. I am fulfilled it that feeling of like, I got this, this is what I do, this is who I am, all the confidence in the world. Wow, I can't believe I'm sharing this. And I walk onto the stage and I see the lights, and I just see the eyes of thousands of people and I begin to speak and I begin to talk. And I'm just moving about the stage with grace and ease and flow the way this podcast is. You know, I'm just, I'm being real. I know my message. I know what I can, how I can impact others and the world. And that's my mind movie. That's my mind movie. That's the movie that I play. Oh my gosh. And it, it's real. So this is a thing, y'all, when I play that movie and I have about one or two other movies that I've made<laugh>, this is so funny. I hope that I'm like not losing anybody here, but, um, when I play that movie, this is the thing, your mind doesn't know the difference between that, that you play your mind and what actually happens in your reality. So your, your mind, your brain, your mindset says, this is real, this is true. Get this, y'all. Another mind movie I had is like my, how I would have a morning routine, um, in my dream life and like, I'm having a smoothie and going into Pilates and I won't get to in depth into it, but get this, okay? Mind you, I haven't made a smoothie in almost a year. So one night I played that mind movie. The next morning I woke up and I made a smoothie. Like it was just like a no brainer. Like my mind assumed, oh, this is what we do because this is like the mind movie I played last night. So I freaking made a smoothie for the first time when almost I'm like, Who am I? My brain, My body was already at work manifesting, fulfilling the thoughts, the desires that I had. How crazy is that? So that was proof this works. But that's literally these past three weeks is, is practicing, you know, my embodiment, journaling and being true to my desires and, and really asking myself that deep question what I want and taking some time to think it out. Here is the thing, y'all, there is no rush. There is no rush. We place these timelines on ourselves and we stress ourselves out. And I'm like, and I've been there. We've talked about hustle culture. It has to be done here and here and by this age and 30 and da da da da da. Drop it. Drop your freaking agenda cuz one, it's not your agenda, it's his right. He has your timeline, God, the universe, hire power. Whatever it is that you believe in and be present, be happy, express gratitude and figure out your desires and play in the space of becoming and, and get out of our own way. And get out of the past. And, and the, the stress and the anxiety. And I get it, Maybe it's hard, maybe, you know, you're going through a really rough season and your past is haunting you on trauma and it's just so stressful at work and the kids and relationships, I know I've been there, but guess what? It's temporary. It is temporary. The hard moments are temporary. You're gonna make it through this. You're gonna get through it. Focus on you. Give yourself a mind movie every night. Give yourself time in your car when you have 30 seconds of peace to close your eyes and visualize the feeling of, instead of focusing on the feeling of the problem, focus on the feeling of the solution that it's already done, that it's resolved, the issues of stress. Whatever it is, focus on the feeling. It's already finished, it's resolved. That chapter is closed and you feel free and happy. That's embodiment. Wow, what an interesting episode. I, I really didn't know what I was gonna talk about when I clicked record, but I wanna honor myself in sharing the things that I've been through, the things I've been learning. Um, and these are the biggest things right now. And I hope this message serves somebody. I'm gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode. I I really wanna connect with y'all on this. If, if you liked this, this topic, because I can really go in depth, um, with the things that I'm learning. But here, who, here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna screenshot, you're gonna tag me, and if you want me to record a visualization podcast, um, to help guide you through a visualization, you're gonna message me, visualization, visualize, visualize visualization, whatever you want. Um, and you can find me at the Motivation babe underscore and Instagram. Okay? And that's what we're gonna do. All right guys, let's wrap this up. I am so honored to serve you. I can't wait to connect with you. Let me just say what is coming on the podcast next is so incredible. Next week we're gonna be Drop Beat, my first podcast like collaboration interview style with I, I'm just gonna like, okay, I'm not gonna Keisha Keisha Fitzgerald from Empower Her. Like she is just an amazing podcaster. Oh my God, I can't believe I have the chance to connect with her. So many more women I am connecting with to bring on the podcast to serve you, to help you to have these conversations. Oh my god, it's so good. So be able to look out for you next week, uh, podcast with Keisha is gonna drop. Um, and I'm so excited. Okay guys, here's what we're gonna do. Head to the Instagram, go to the motivation, grab some free b sign up for a discovery call. You know, let's talk about your goals. Let's see what we can do, um, where I can help, you know, help you in your journey, help you in your growth. So let's connect. I can't wait to see you in the messages and all that jazz. Okay guys, until next week, I love.