Motivation Babe Podcast
Welcome to the Motivation Babe Podcast, your ultimate source of daily inspiration and empowerment. Our mission is to help millions of women like you discover their true potential and become the best version of themselves. Our mindset talks are designed to give you the confidence, motivation, and tools you need to conquer your goals and live your dreams. Join us as we explore the power of mindset and discover how to create the life you truly deserve. Are you ready to unlock your full potential? Let's dive in!
Motivation Babe Podcast
Ep.30 FIRE FRIDAY "From IG Stories: Getting out of your own way"
Today I am dropping a FIRE FRIDAY EPISODE! These are freestyle episodes where I am sharing things I have learned through the week and topics that have been on my mind! Today we are having a fire conversation about an Instagram story I posted this week. I asked you what is the number one thing that is holding you back? Today's episode covers that topic! I was super passionate in this episode and hope this serves you.
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Hey y'all. Welcome to the motivation Bay podcast. I am your host Hills be motivation babe. And I am on a mission to empower you and 1000s of women every single day. I think of the motivation Bay podcast as your go to resource for mindset talks that give you the confidence to become the best version of yourself. I am so honored, you're here. Get ready to level up as we dive in.
Hey, y'all, welcome back to another episode of the pod. It's me, it's your girl. It's held. We are doing Take two. This is a fire Friday episode. And what is happening right now is we are on Instagram live recording this, and I am here recording for you on the podcast. So you know what happens on Fridays. We like to do fire Fridays when I am just raw, real unscripted, I'm talking to you in real time with things that are on top of my mind things that you have told me. I don't know. I just feel like it's a consensus type of theme that's going on of the week. And that's what I do on Fridays is like, let's talk about it. Let's talk about what's on our mind. And what our mind this week is ourselves. I mean, come on. We're always on our mind, right? We are the most important thing in this world ourselves. We have to put ourselves first. No, but seriously. I asked a question yesterday on Instagram stories. And I asked what is the number one thing that is holding you back? Okay, what is the number one thing that is holding you back? And I was shook? I really was I put four different answers. And I was truly curious. There was no right answer. There was no wrong answer. But the answer I thought that everyone was going to fall into was mindset. And no one chose mindset. And I was like, this is interesting. Okay, my people, like we talked about mindset every day, my people read books or listening to podcasts, right? We're growth oriented individuals. So that was awesome. But I was kind of surprised to see where everyone was falling into. So mindset was not chosen at all. The third most Chosen One was clarity. Which, again, I thought was gonna be one of the top two. The second most Chosen One was not knowing the first step to take, which was really interesting. So I thought that would be the third or the first. But the first one was getting out of my own way, getting out of our own way. And I thought, Well, isn't this interesting? Let's talk about this. Because if you want to go back to listen to the previous episodes of the podcast, your girl, I was in my own way. For a few months, I was limiting myself, I was stopping myself, I had all the limiting beliefs. I was putting myself down, I was shrinking myself to fit in places I didn't belong. I was shrinking myself to fit into the old version of me. Because I was scared to step into the new version of me. Does that resonate with anybody? That you shrink yourself to who you were because you were scared of who you're becoming? Because there are so many unknowns in this next chapter of you. And that is where we're at y'all seriously. Okay, what I want to do for this episode is not just saying, This is how you get out of your own way. No, no, no, no, I want to talk about this. You're feeling this, I was just able to talk about it. So you're feeling like in your in your own way. I want you to repeat this after me. I did this exercise this morning and the car on my way to Starbucks and literally brought tears to my eyes. I choose discomfort over a joy. I choose to be uncomfortable in this situation I am and currently versus the joy of what I could have. If I got out of my own way.
It makes me emotional. That we are operating from this place of being and that's what's happening. When we are in our own way we're choosing to be unconscious or choosing discomfort we're choosing to be in but excuse my language shitty situations where it And whether it's financial, whether it's our health, whether it's our business, that's what's happening when we're in our own way we're choosing to stay in discomfort. Does that make sense? So, the first thing I want to point out is, if that is you right now, which was me for the past three months, y'all, that you are in your own way of your full potential of your competence of the life you want. There's no one stopping you, but you and you recognize that. Okay, step one, you ready for this? Step one is awareness. So you're aware, perfect, you have to be aware awareness is the key to change, okay? When you are aware, it does no good if you don't take action from it. So if you are aware that you are in your own way, if you are aware that the only person the only thing that's stopping you right now was you. But you sit in that for days, for weeks, for months, it does no good. Your self awareness does no good. And that's not the point of self awareness. Self awareness is supposed to be the catalyst to help you grow and to help you change. You've got to do something. But look, I get it, I get it, I get it. It is hard. When you know you're unhappy. When you know, you want to be in a different position, a different place in your life. And you got to change so many things to make that happen. I did it is so hard. So stop looking at the frickin mountain. Stop looking at this tall mountain ahead of you and just look down and look at the next step. The next step you're about to take. Here's the thing, y'all, if you're here on Instagram, live with me, I'm showing y'all one of my favorite books right now. Y'all need to be reading atomic habits. This book. If you're in your own way, you need to read this book. This book is all about helping you build habits to create positive change in your life. So what I was just reading was Okay, step one, we have awareness. I'm in my own way. And I've been aware, what do I do about it? Hillary, the mountain is huge. I don't know how to take this on. Like I said, we're gonna look down, and we're gonna take one step high. But here's the thing. And this is what I realized when I was thinking about this episode, and I was thinking about the story put yesterday on Instagram. Do you know the first step you need to take? Because here's what happens, we get so overwhelmed. When we're looking at the mountain before us that we know there's all these steps that we need to do so much we need to do okay, so it is right now I am on a health journey. I am trying to lose 15 pounds that I gained in the past year. So I know I need to change my diet I need to move every day I need to drink my water I need to do hire a trainer. I need to not eat out and not drink alcohol. Like I know all these things I need to do so many steps. Here's why I failed so many times before in my weight loss journey. I tried to do it all at once I got overwhelmed, I got scared and I retreated. Our body will do the path of least resistance you need when you're trying to create change. You need to take the path of least resistance you need to start off with the small things. And maybe for my for my example of weight loss. He was just going to get a gym membership. Check one step next day it was going to schedule a personal training session. It didn't happen that day. But I scheduled it then I went into the realm the gym area and I did stair stepper for 15 minutes. Okay, that's not a lot but it's something Do you see what I'm saying here though? What are the steps you need to take to get out of your own way to stop looking at the mountain before you want to start taking action?
This is where it is at your we need to take action. What happens is we get so in our head and we think of all the things we need to do and well let me wait let me get the money. Let me make sure that this is right. Let me make sure that did it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. When we were in our head were dead. Okay. So plan like reverse engineer the steps you have to Take for that goal before that thing. So whatever your mountain is right now, I want you to break down and know the steps you need to do to start building momentum and to start taking action to day. You You're you right now you're listening to this because you're in your own way, what can you do today to get out of your own way, what you can do is open your journal, and write down your limiting beliefs. Write down where you want to go, look at the gap. Okay, this is where I'm at. And this is where I want to be, we're going to do to close this gap. Make an action plan, five things you're going to do every single day five daily, non negotiables that are going to help bring you build your confidence. Is this making sense? Step three, step three to this. When you're in your own way, you have to realize you're so worthy. But you're tricking yourself out of your own worth. How crazy is that? There is nobody like you in this world. You are so unique. You have so many gifts and talents and abilities. And you are thinking that you are unworthy of the things that you want the life that you you desire, like why get out of your own way, get out of your own head. Like don't let the devil with y'all seriously. Tap into your uniqueness. Tap into your talent and your skills and your abilities. Tap into like everything that you aren't freaking embrace it, own it. Don't dim your light. And so what you feel like you may be too much for certain people that they're not your people. So what you feel like you're not gonna fit in, you're not meant to fit in. You are worthy, stop tricking yourself out of your own worth. So you want to get out of your own way. You realize the only person that's stopping you is you. Step one, get awareness. But take action from that awareness. Stop looking at the mountain before you and take a step. But in order to do so you have to know what are the steps you have to take. So break it down, make an action plan five daily, non negotiables you're going to do every single day, build confidence in yourself. Be proud of yourself for doing the small things as you're on your way to accomplish the big goal. And step three is realize we're so beyond worthy of everything that you desire, and the life that you desire and the things that you want. But you're you, you are tricking yourself from that. So stop that. Stop it drop, just whatever that is that the feeling of Unwerth drop it, it is not serving you. That is what I have to preach on today is getting out of your own way. And how to do that. And the thought process I was just in and how I can just help you if you're going through that. So I don't know. I hope that helps. I hope that helps you. Um, I got emotional there. Because we're gonna fall into this trap. You know, there's I don't know if you've ever heard me say but like new level new devil. You're gonna fall into this trap at every new level of your life and who was gonna win? You You deserve it. You deserve to frickin win. So, get out of your way. I know it's hard. Take baby steps. You got this. Alright, Instagram. Thanks for hanging out with me. I'm hot. Alright, y'all, if you're here on the podcast, make sure to screenshot tag me I want to see you listening to this. Share this with a friend who needs to hear this, that maybe she is in her own head. He is in his own head. Let them know this message, give help to help give them the confidence right to take action in the direction of the life that they desire. I love y'all so much. You can find me on Instagram at the motivation babe underscore, you can go to the website to learn more ways to work with me. Tons of freebies there at Okay, cool. Until next time, we'll talk to you all next week.