Motivation Babe Podcast
Welcome to the Motivation Babe Podcast, your ultimate source of daily inspiration and empowerment. Our mission is to help millions of women like you discover their true potential and become the best version of themselves. Our mindset talks are designed to give you the confidence, motivation, and tools you need to conquer your goals and live your dreams. Join us as we explore the power of mindset and discover how to create the life you truly deserve. Are you ready to unlock your full potential? Let's dive in!
Motivation Babe Podcast
Ep. 47 Mid-Year Check in + This One Thing Will Change Your Life
Today's episode is the mid-year game changer.
The 5 Questions to Ask Yourself:
- What are the best things that have happened to me each month of this year?
- What do I need to stop doing or let go of?
- What do I need to start doing?
- What are my 3 non-negotiables for the rest of this year?
- What do I want the rest of this year to FEEL like?
Products mentioned:
- My 90-day Accountability/ Action Planner linked here
Download the Future Self Activation Guide if this episode resonates with you and do the inner work as I guide you page by page (FREE DOWNLOAD).
I am so excited to announce the launch of Becoming Her, a transformational coaching program designed to help women transform their lives and rediscover their true selves, and unleash their full potential in life, business, and career.
CLICK HERE to be added to the Becoming Here waitlist!
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Hey y'all. Welcome to the Motivation Bay podcast. I am your host Hills the Motivation babe, and I am on a mission to empower you and thousands of women every single day. I think of the Motivation Bay podcast as your go-to resource for mindset talks that give you the confidence to become the best version of yourself. I am so honored you are here. Get ready to level up as we dive in. Hey y'all, I wanna dive straight into our episode today because this is going to be so key, so pivotal for you as you navigate the rest of these six months in 2024, I'm gonna give you the one thing that you need to do, the one thing that will change the trajectory of your life of 2024, I guarantee it, but it's on you to implement this, okay? We're gonna talk about the one thing that's completely changed my life. I'm gonna give you this tool and I wanna give you five questions we're gonna talk about that you're gonna take with you, reflect on everything will be in the show notes for you. So if you're driving, if you're busy right now, take this in, absorb it. I'm giving you all of the good positive energy. I think it's so easy when we hear about the mid-year reset, the mid-year check-in that we immediately freak out and think, I am not where I thought I would be right now. Okay, let's drop that story. When I'm telling you today, your mid-year check-in I talking to you about this, to empower you, to empower you and to make you know and realize and tap in your ultimate potential. Because if you have a vision for your future, it is there and it is waiting for you. If you have a goal set for this year and it hasn't happened yet, that means it's coming. It's coming. If it hasn't happened, it's coming for you because if it is meant for you, it is there for you. I do not want us to take this topic and reflect on everything that hasn't happened on all the negativity. Here's what we're gonna do today. We're gonna start with five questions to ask ourselves, and then I'm gonna give you the one thing, the one tool that I, I swear I'm a completely different person now that I've implemented this in my life. First thing I want you to ask yourself is like, I want you to, if we're going to reflect, if we're gonna look at the past six months of our life of 2024, you know what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at everything positive, everything so good, the highlights, the best things that have happened for us in 2024. Lemme tell you this, what you think about expands, okay? So when we go back and we reflect on everything that hasn't gone right and we beat ourselves up, what do we do is we attract more of this negativity, this heaviness, this feeling into our day, into our months ahead. And then what do we know? We're in December and things are still not where we want it to be, and I believe it all starts right now. This moment can pivot, ever rethink for you? So we're gonna look back. The first question I want you to do is, what are the best things that have happened to me this year? I want you to go month by month and bullet point journal, just whatever it is, put it as a notes in your phone. January, give me three things, three things that happened that were so good for you, your life, your family, your career. Give me three positives. Do the same for February, March, April, may, June. What are the best things that have happened to you each month? And take a minute right now to reflect on that and tell me how does that feel? Instant mood boost, instant mindset shift. When we focus on the good, the good gets better. The good feels good. Anytime we're going down a negative thought path. I was just sharing this in a group , uh, session this week. My most favorite mindfulness practice is the minute I'm on a negative thought pattern and I feel myself start to get anxiety and stress and worry and fear as five things. Five things. Hillary , what are five things you're grateful for today? Instantly, instantly I am able to shift perspectives and keep it going in a positive direction. So what are the best things that have happened to you each month? And then your second question you're gonna reflect on is, what do I need to stop doing and or let go of? This is key. This is radical accountability. Get real with yourself here. What do you need to stop doing and or what do you need to let go of? Or maybe it's a who, I don't know, but there is something, there's a roadblock. We all have them. This is life. There's always going to be something in the way, but it's our job to recognize, have awareness, and then move beyond it. If we let ourselves stay stuck behind a roadblock, we stay stuck. And we are listening to this podcast because we are not here to stay stuck. Can I get an amen? We are here to move forward. We are here to accomplish big things. We are here to change our lives and live the dream life we know is possible for us. So number three , what do I need to start doing? I, these are very, very, very basic questions, but they're so powerful, and I'm telling you, if you use it right now, it's gonna pivot everything. It's gonna be your leverage point. This is where things can really take off. If you've identified what you need to stop doing, what do you need to start doing, right? What we wanna do is replace that activity, okay? And I will say this, change is hard. So stopping and starting something is not gonna be an easy process, right? But if it was easy, everyone would do it. But you can do it. You , you are up for the challenge, right? What do they say? It takes two weeks, right? Two weeks to do something for to , to , to , to stick. 30 days, 60 days, whatever it may be. Give yourselves two weeks of everyday accountability. I actually use this 90 day action planner. I'll link it for y'all . It's like 4 99 and I swear by this thing every day . I just go check in. Oh my gosh, I need to , I'll , I'll share more about that in a minute. And then number four, what are your top three non-negotiables for the rest of this year? That, for me, that changed vocabulary. It , it really changes something in my, my mind. And maybe that'll help you too. But what are your three non-negotiables and or what are your three goals for me, I love to use, what are the three results, right? What are the results I'm trying to create? What are those three non-negotiables for you to do, accomplish, have, be, become by the end of this year? Heard. Last question number five, what do you want the rest of the year to feel like? This is where the magic starts to happen, and this is what's gonna lead me into the one thing that you can do today to change everything. If you wanna tap into the feeling, if you wanna start to do that inner work, that work, I always talk about the work that's changed my life. It is tapping into how I feel because there's, there's a process behind this, y'all. The reason we take action, good or bad in our lives, the reason we have what we have good or bad in our life started from a thought that gave us a feeling. The way we feel is the most important thing. When you wake up in the morning, I need you to tap stop before you even grab the phone. I need you to tap into you in those first thoughts in the morning of how do I feel? And I need you. Do whatever you have to do to feel good. This is the game changer, and this is how you can implement this. Ready Doing this one thing has changed my life and it has been defining my future self. This is something I worked on towards the end of last year, and what I've been heavily focusing on all of this year. It is clearly defining the future version of me. And instead of seeing her on a pedestal, it was saying, no, like, stand next to me. Like I I I need, I need you to be so clear and clarity around the future version of yourself. This is why I created the Future Activation Guide. If you have not grabbed the Future Activation Guide, it is, it's, I'm gonna put the link here in the show notes for you. It is my favorite, favorite, favorite exercises that I swear to change it all for me. It changed it all for me and it will change it all for you. It's a series of questions of way of thinking, of mindset. That it's not you right now answering it as the version of you that you are, but it's literally the future version of you answering these questions and it's giving you a roadmap and an entire roadmap , a blueprint of how to think, act, feel, be, react, dress, the list goes on, okay? It is knowing who the future version of yourself is that will change your life because you will start to adopt those tendencies and close the gap between where you're at now and where you wanna be. And that is what we want. We wanna close the gap because when we close the gap, that's when we're actually able to achieve our goal , to hit our timelines when we operate in the version of us that we are now, sometimes we do feel unmotivated, sometimes we don't want to do whatever it is. I get it, we're all human. But when we have a bigger vision and mission and vision for our lives from the future version of ourselves, because if you can see or in your mind, you can have it in your , your life, that will change everything. I use it to tap into confidence and , and , and just this new way of thinking and being and not letting the little things get to me. Don't get so consumed, always zoom out and how will this impact me in the next year, years, right? Et cetera . Zoom out, zoom out, zoom out. So that is your episode today. This is your mid-year. Check-in. That's the one thing you have to do is define the future version of yourself. Ask yourself these five questions. Identify those three non-negotiables and trust. If it's meant for you, it will be there for you. Everything you need is gonna be listed in the show notes. Grab your future self activation guide. If you are truly, truly ready to see change to make the rest of this year the best of this year, you need to get on the Becoming Her Wait list. This community, what I am bringing you is going to massively shift and change your life. We're talking all areas of life. I'm not talking just about business and careers and and marketing or no, I'm talking about you. You are the key to ultimate change, and I'm going to teach you how you can truly have everything you want. I believe as women, we are powerful beings, y'all, and I'm gonna help you accomplish it . I'm gonna help you get there. So I hope you enjoyed this episode. This was, Ooh , I feel like hot <laugh>. This was good. This was good. All right , y'all screenshot tag me. Let me know your top three non-negotiables. I would love it if you would just message those to me. You are absolutely amazing. Thank you for being here, and we'll see you on the next episode. Okay, bye.